UAE: Top Destination for US Exports in the Middle East

UAE: Top Destination for US Exports in the Middle East is an export portal for American manufacturers and exporters.
For importers across the world, sourcing products from United States, is facilitated by our team of trade experts.
Our locally based experts across US, Canada, Latin America and Asia are focused on supporting international trade with United States.
To get more information and for specific inquiries, please complete the contact us form.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a delegation of companies with AmCham Abu Dhabi in Washington, DC. The featured guest speakers, Mr. Talal Al Kaissi, Chief of Staff with the UAE Trade & Commercial Office, and Mr. Dan Mullaney, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Europe & the Middle East along with Gregory Golden of AmCham Abu Dhabi, all offered insights into the significance of the US-UAE economic relationship and increasing opportunities in a variety of sectors for American companies in the United Arab Emirates.



UAE: Top Destination for US Exports in the Middle East

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