China: A National Export Initiative Priority Market
China: A National Export Initiative Priority Market “3 Things to Know about the China Market” features Bill Brekke, Principal Commercial Officer, U.S. Consulate, Shanghai.
China: A National Export Initiative Priority Market “3 Things to Know about the China Market” features Bill Brekke, Principal Commercial Officer, U.S. Consulate, Shanghai.
SelectUSA 2013 Investment Summit The SelectUSA 2013 Investment Summit is a first-of-its-kind, national-level engagement intended to connect businesses and investors from around the world with U.S. economic development organizations at the state, regional, and local levels. The SelectUSA 2013 Investment Summit is being hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, and SelectUSA, …
ITA’s Trade Agreements Compliance Program Helps Small Pennsylvania Company When Chinese customs officials impounded U.S. products destined for reexport to Australia, the International Trade Administration (ITA) made sure that China honored commitments it had made under international trade agreements, thereby ensuring that a Pennsylvania-based company’s business and workers’ jobs were not jeopardized by the improper …
ITA’s Trade Agreements Compliance Program Helps Small Pennsylvania Company Read More »
How to Write an Export Plan In this webinar, you will learn how to write a simple but effective export plan for your business, featuring the new Small Business Administration’s Export Planning Tool. You will learn the framework for writing your export plan. You will understand the value of having a written export plan, the …
Introduction to the U.S. Commercial Service for Foreign Companies Director General Suresh Kumar introduces the U.S. Commercial Service, National Export Initiative, and the
President Obama Discusses SelectUSA President Obama delivered remarks at an Amazon Fulfillment Center in Chattanooga, Tenn. on July 30, outlining some of his plans to support the middle class. One of the key points he brought up was the importance of foreign direct investment to support middle class jobs. Here, he discusses the SelectUSA 2013 …
Taiwan: A National Export Initiative Priority Market “3 Things to Know about the Taiwan Market” features Helen Hwang, Senior Commercial Officer, Taipei, Taiwan.
Export Commodity Classification In this webinar you will learn from the experts from the Commodity Analysis Branch of the Census Bureau on the Harmonized System, classification tools, general rules of interpretations and the Schedule B Manual. You will also learn how to classify your products from experts who handle classification matters every day. You will …
Introduction to the U.S. Commercial Service for U.S. Companies Director General Suresh Kumar introduces the U.S. Commercial Service, National Export Initiative, and the
Thailand: A National Export Initiative Priority Market “3 Things to Know about the Thailand Market” features Cynthia Griffin, Senior Commercial Officer, U.S. Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand.